New pages can be created by following these steps: 

1) Click on 'Content' and then click on 'Pages' (which is found under the 'Elements' section).

Proceed to click on the 'Add New Page' button.

2) At the 'Content' section (the 1st section), you can fill in the text and/or insert images that should be visible on this page. 

Under the 'Page in Websites' section (the 3rd section) you can indicate for which 'Store View' (website/shop views) this page should be visible.

Note: To make sure your changes are saved, remember to click on the 'Save' button.


3) After the page is created or changed, it's sometimes necessary to empty the Cache memory

Click on 'System', then click on 'Cache management' and then proceed to click on the 'Flush Magento Cachebutton.