In order to add the product images for an entire catalog, we need a completed import sheet next to the images to be able to match the images. It is a relatively simple two-column spreadsheet, the first column containing the article number and the second column the name of the image. It is possible to add multiple images to the same product. If the order is important, it is important that the images have the same name, the first of which has no addition, and the subsequent images are denoted by -1, -2, -3.

For example:

Article numberImage

The attached spreadsheet can be used as an entry form.

You can send the images to us via a service such as WeTransfer or FTP. Use for the images to be sent preferably (jpg) images (in RGB color profile) of at least 700x700 pixels with a limited image size. An image with too much MB will slow down the store and hinders conversion.