
The extension is compatible with Shopware version 6.5.x

Installation Shopware extension

You can install the extension in 2 ways

1. through Shopware official store and 

2. via zip file for the extension.

Follow the steps below for the preferred installation. 

1. Extensions --> Store --> search for the extension in the Shopware 6 store via search bar --> Add extension --> My extensions --> Install app --> Activate the extension --> Configure the extension.  

2. Extensions --> My extensions --> Upload extension via a zip file from your computer --> Install app --> Activate the extension --> Configure the extension.  

Configuration Dynamics 365 Business Central

1. Publish web services

The integration is using the default REST API's of Microsoft 365 Business Central ( and Odata webservices which need to be published in Business Central. Below is the list of webservices with the service names that need to be set. 

Object TypeObject ID
Object NameService Name
All TenantsPublished
Page30Item CardArtikel01
Page42Sales OrderSales_Order
Page313General Product Posting GroupsMC_GeneralProductPostingGroups
Page300Customer Shipping AdressMC_CustomerShippingAdress
21Customer Card
Price List Lines

7015Sales Price Lists
5050Contact Card

2. Before making API and webservice calls 2 configurations need to be made on Dynamics 365 Business Central

    1. Register an Azure AD application for authentification to Business Central
    2. Set up the Azure AD application in Business Central
More information on this and the exact steps to follow can be found on the Microsoft learning center

Configuration Shopware

The configuration of the Shopware extension can be found on the following location: Extensions --> My extensions --> Apps --> Dynamics 365 Business Central integration  --> Configure--> 

Sales Channel  - to be selected for the sales channel for which this configuration will be enabled/applied. 

General settings - activate or disable the extension

API settings 
For the connection the below API details need to be added. 

  1. API URL - API URL from Business Central is to be entered here 
  2. Token URL: URL for the Oauth 2 token of Business Central
  3. Client ID - Client ID for the authentification. This is obtained from the setup of the Azure AD application.
  4. Cient secret - Client secret for the authentification. This is obtained from the setup of the Azure AD application.
  5. Company ID - identification for the Business Central company is to be entered here. 
  6. Company name - name of the company under which Business Central is created is to be entered here

Last in the API settings box is the "Test" button via which the validity of the entered credentials can be tested.
If the credentials are correct it will be green-lighted, if the credentials are wrong than you will have a warning message. 

Payment mapping - mappings is to be entered for the payment methods, can be chosen from a list of available payment methods.Mappings can be downloaded via button "Get payment data". Mappings can be saved via button "Save payment mappings".

Shipment mapping - mappings is to be entered for the shipment methods, can be chosen from a list of available shipment methods.

Product import settings

The product import settings can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following: 

Type of update 

  1. Only changed products - with activating this setting only product that were modified/changed will be imported. 
  2. All products - with activating this setting all products will be imported. 
  3. Selection of products - with activating this setting only selected products via entering their SKU in the field will be imported.

For every new product that will be imported Default tax class can be configure as well via settings. 

Inventory import settings

The inventory import settings can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

  1. Update all inventory 
  2. Not update all inventory

Order export settings

The order export settings can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

  1. BC customer ID for guest customers - dedicated ID for a guest customer
  2. Export Shopware orders starting from order number - to be added the number of the order for starting the export
  3. G/L Account number - order line 
  4. Export Shopware orders with status - multi-select for choosing the order status for exporting (Open, In progress etc.) 
  5. Resync failed orders - if field is enabled than failed sync orders will be re-sync 
  6. Export customers before order export - if field is enabled first customers will be exported than orders will follow with export

Customer export settings

The customer export settings can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

Type of update 

  1. Only new customers - with activating this setting customers that are newly created will be exported to Business Central 
  2. New and Changed customers - with activating this setting customers that are newly created or/and modified will be exported to Business Central 
  3. Selection of customers - with activating this setting only selected customers via entering their ID's in the field will be exported.

Payment term codes can be downloaded via button "Get payment term codes"

Product import scheduler

The product import schedule can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

Type of update 

  1. Manual - the action of product import is triggered manually via “New import products action” button when ever is needed to be triggered
  2. Time of day - the action is triggered according to the time schedule entered in the “Time(s) of action” field, the entered time slots in this field can be multiple and they need to be comma separated
  3. Interval - the action will be triggered every X minutes. The minutes for triggering  the action are entered in the “Every X minutes” field as a number

Inventory import scheduler 

The inventory import schedule can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

Type of update 

  1. Manual - the action of inventory import is triggered manually via “New import inventory action” button when ever is needed to be triggered
  2. Time of day - the action is triggered according to the time schedule entered in the “Time(s) of action” field, the entered time slots in this field can be multiple and they need to be comma separated
  3. Interval - the action will be triggered every X minutes. The minutes for triggering  the action are entered in the “Every X minutes” field as a number

Order export scheduler

The order export schedule can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

Type of update 

  1. Manual - the action of order export is triggered manually via “New export orders action” button when ever is needed to be triggered
  2. Time of day - the action is triggered according to the time schedule entered in the “Time(s) of action” field, the entered time slots in this field can be multiple and they need to be comma separated
  3. Interval - the action will be triggered every X minutes. The minutes for triggering  the action are entered in the “Every X minutes” field as a number

Customer export scheduler

The customer export schedule can be configured via this section, available options for configuration are following:

Type of update 

  1. Manual - the action of customer export is triggered manually via “New export customers action” button when ever is needed to be triggered
  2. Time of day - the action is triggered according to the time schedule entered in the “Time(s) of action” field, the entered time slots in this field can be multiple and they need to be comma separated
  3. Interval - the action will be triggered every X minutes. The minutes for triggering  the action are entered in the “Every X minutes” field as a number

Additional configuration for Custom fields

The following section explains the configuration for the Custom fields

Administration path to configuration of Custom fields Settings -->  System --> Custom fields --> Add new set

We have present three sets of Custom fields 

BC Integration Order - 3 additional fields are present on the order level 

  1. Business Central NAV Message 
  2. Send to BC
  3. Business Central ID

BC Integration Category - 1 additional filed is present on the category level 

  1. Category Code - this needs to be configured if via import of product also the category is needed to be assigned.  

BC Integration Customer - 2 additional fields are present on the customer level

  1. BC Internal id
  2. BC No


The extension can be uninstall via Extensions --> My extensions --> Dynamics 365 Business Central integration --> ... --> Uninstall